How do I define a Python property *outside* of a c

2020-08-10 17:29发布

I would like to define a Python property outside of a class definition:

c = C()
c.user = property(lambda self: User.objects.get(self.user_id))

But I get the following error:

AttributeError: 'property' object has no attribute 'email'

What is the correct syntax for defining a property outside of a class definition?

Btw: I'm using lettuce

from lettuce import *
from django.test.client import Client
Client.user_id = property(lambda self: self.browser.session.get('_auth_user_id'))
Client.user = property(lambda self: User.objects.get(self.user_id))

def set_browser(scenario):
    world.browser = Client()

2楼-- · 2020-08-10 18:09

Object instances like c cannot have properties; only classes like C can have properties. So you need to set the property on the class, not the instance, because Python only looks for it on the class:

C.user = property(lambda self: User.objects.get(self.user_id))
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