#each loop over multiple documents from a collecti

2019-09-24 10:22发布

I have a Meteor collection called Tasks

I would like to display them on the template with a div wrapped around every 2.

So something like this

  {{task 1}}
  {{ task 2 }}

  {{task 3}}
  {{ task 4 }}

How would I got about doing this in Meteor?

ゆ 、 Hurt°
2楼-- · 2019-09-24 10:59

Use a helper to define what you want to iterate over -- in this case, you could do something like return an array of objects that contain the first and second tasks you want to display:

<template name='whatever'>
  {{#each getTasksToIterate}}
      {{> task firstTask}}
      {{> task secondTask}}

Then, in your helpers, define the function getTasksToIterate:

  getTasksToIterate: function() { 
    var tasks = [];
    _.each(this.tasks, function(task, index) { 
      if (index % 2 === 0) { // Pick the odd ones
        tasks.push({firstTask: elem, secondTask: this.tasks[index + 1]}); 

    return tasks;

Note that this assumes you have an even number of tasks; if you occasionally have an odd number you'd need to deal with that with appropriate if statements, etc.

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