How to use fillSelectors in casperjs

2019-09-19 05:54发布

I need to get some content from the page, but if I use fillSelectors() the content is not load. Maybe i need use evaluate(), but i dont undestend where and how.

var casper = require('casper').create()
casper.start('', function() {
  this.fillSelectors('form#login-form', {
      'input[name="username"]':    'jpost',
      'input[name="password"]':    'matomy123'
  }, true);
  this.clickLabel("Sign In", 'button');

casper.then(function() {
  var start_date = '09/01/2015';
  var end_date = '10/07/2015';
  this.evaluate(function() {

  this.fillSelectors('form#report-form', {          
    'input[name="report[start_date]"]': start_date,
    'input[name="report[end_date]"]':  end_date,
    'input[id="grouping-option-3"]' : true,
    'input[id="grouping-option-2"]' : true,
    'input[id="grouping-option-4"]' : true
  }, true);"#run-report");
  this.wait(10000, function () {
    this.echo('.geo_country_name.innerText: ' + this.evaluate(function() {
      return document.querySelector('.geo_country_name').innerText;
    this.echo('td.alignright:nth-child(5).innerText: ' + this.evaluate(function() {
      return document.querySelector('td.alignright:nth-child(5)').innerText;

Can you help with that?

2楼-- · 2019-09-19 06:32

Here are some guesses:

If you want to click on some button to submit a form, don't automatically submit a form. Remove the last argument:

this.fillSelectors('form#report-form', {          
    'input[name="report[start_date]"]': start_date,
    'input[name="report[end_date]"]':  end_date,
    'input[id="grouping-option-3"]' : true,
    'input[id="grouping-option-2"]' : true,
    'input[id="grouping-option-4"]' : true

PhantomJS doesn't support element.innerText. You need to use element.textContent.

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