
Azure WebApp - Unable to auto-detect the runtime s

2020-08-22 07:51发布


I'm trying to create Web App which is just having a Static HTML. I'm following this link https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/app-service-web-get-started-html. But when I execute the following command

az webapp up --location westeurope --name .

Got the error - " Could not auto-detect the runtime stack of your app" .


I just tried following the steps mentioned in the documentation. Works for me.

mkdir quickstart
cd quickstart
git clone https://github.com/Azure-Samples/html-docs-hello-world.git
cd html-docs-hello-world
az webapp up --location westeurope --name azurewebapptest123


I have tried the similar steps using the sample repo and was able to reproduce it.

Here is the version:

It's a known bug for Azure CLI 2.0.78 and team is working on it, Which you can track it here:


Work around of this issue is to use the older version of Azure CLi e.g. 2.0.75 * for deploying the solution.

Hope it helps.


I tried the following, but added the --html flag at the end of the az webapp up command to bypass auto detection:

mkdir quickstart
cd quickstart
git clone https://github.com/Azure-Samples/html-docs-hello-world.git
cd html-docs-hello-world
az webapp up --location westeurope --name azurewebapptest123 --html

That forces HTML. In the help for the command it implies auto-detection works for a bunch of language, but not for static HTML.


Try to manually include a web.config file and/or select the stack on General Settings:

If you have no backend, the best option to host a static site is through Azure Storage:



I had the same problem. I solved it by using the flag --html to define explicitly the runtime according to the documentation of the runtime detection. https://github.com/Azure/app-service-linux-docs/blob/master/AzWebAppUP/runtime_detection.md

So, the solution is the following line of code:

az webapp up --location westeurope --name <name> --html

N.B: I used Azure cloud shell.


Make sure you're running the command "az webapp up --location westeurope --name" from your application root, ie inside 'html-docs-hello-world' folder.