
Denying a Sign-up request in Cognito User Pools

2020-08-11 10:08发布


The description of a Cognito User Pools Pre Sign-up Lambda Trigger is:

This trigger is invoked when a user submits their information to sign up, allowing you to perform custom validation to accept or deny the sign up request.

I want to deny a sign-up request based on a certain condition in my Lambda. The trigger parameters (reproduced from the docs below) seem to only support auto-verification and auto-confirmation:

    "request": {
        "userAttributes": {
            "string": "string",
        "validationData": {
            "string": "string",
            "string": "string",

    "response": {
        "autoConfirmUser": "boolean",
        "autoVerifyPhone": "boolean",
        "autoVerifyEmail": "boolean"

How can I accept or deny a sign-up request based on the outcome of the Pre Sign-up Lambda Trigger?


You can return a empty dict from the lambda to deny sign up request. Similarly you return the event value itself to accept the sign up request.

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    if denySignUp:
        return {}
        return event


Alternatively, you can also deny signup by throwing an exception, as shown here.

The exception message will be passed back to Cognito, and on to the client, in the form of a validation error with the message PreSignUp failed with error {exceptionMessage}..