
Odd behavior of backspace in Vim (SSH to Linux fro

2020-05-27 07:32发布


I didn't change any setting of my Vim, but today the Backspace gets some crazy behavior. Every time when I hit it, it does not delete a character, but prints ^?. Anyone knows what is going on?


Not sure why it would randomly start doing this based on the information you gave, but trying adding this line to your .vimrc

set backspace=start,eol,indent


The problem comes from the communication between Mac Terminal the Linux Terminal.

Go to the Mac Terminal -> Preferences -> Advanced tab, check the option "Delete sends Ctrl-H". Then after I login to Linux, and Backspace works just fine in Vim.


In Mac Mavricks and Yosemite Open a terminal, then command+, for preferences, click on the profile tab, click on the -keyboard- menu, then add +

Key: very bottom, <= Delete
Modifier: ^ Control
Action: Send Text
Text: H

click Ok

标签: vim backspace