
How to add additional settings on error in Contact

2019-09-19 06:30发布


I already know the function 'on_sent_ok' to add jQuery actions when the form is submitted with success. However I want to display a modal window alerting the user when there are submitting erros. There's some function like the one above, but to be called on errors?


In version 3.3 new jQuery custom event triggers were introduced:

New: Introduce 5 new jQuery custom event triggers (invalid.wpcf7, spam.wpcf7, mailsent.wpcf7, mailfailed.wpcf7, submit.wpcf7).

See: http://contactform7.com/2012/09/24/contact-form-7-33/#more-2598

You can use invalid.wpcf7 like the example below:

  // Launch your modal window here


Contact form 7 doesn't provide actions when submitted form contains errors. But Contact form 7 adds some specific classes on the HTML code. So with Jquery you can check if these classes exist or not and add some actions.