
Not getting the expected output from the model que

2019-08-25 07:50发布


I am using Codeigniter,

I have a table and I am inserting the data into the database and data are inserting two times depends on the year and six months.

So my table data is

id |m_id  | primary | secondary  | Duration
1  |  1   | 100     | 80         | 12m
2  |  1   | 50      | 40         | 6m
3  |  2   | 300     | 150        | 12m
4  |  2   | 150     | 70         | 6m
5  |  3   | 500     | 300         | 12m
6  |  3   | 300      | 200         | 6m

Now I have to fetch data from the database and I want my output looks like this

id  |m_id | primary        | secondary    
    |     | 12m |6m        |12m   |6m        
1   |1    |100  |50        | 80  |40  
2   |2    |300  |150       | 150  |70 
3   |3    |500  |300       | 300  |200      

So I tried to display the array on the view page so I print_r($row) and I am getting the output like

stdClass Object ( [id] => 1 [m_id] => 1 [primary] => 100 [secondary] =>80 [Duration] => 12m ) 
stdClass Object ( [id] => 2 [m_id] => 1 [primary] => 50  [secondary] => 40 [Duration] => 6m) 
stdClass Object ( [id] => 3 [m_id] => 2 [primary] => 300 [secondary] => 150 [Duration] => 12m)
stdClass Object ( [id] => 4 [m_id] => 2 [primary] => 150 [secondary] => 70 [Duration] => 6m)
stdClass Object ( [id] => 5 [m_id] => 3 [primary] => 500 [secondary] => 300 [Duration] => 12m)
stdClass Object ( [id] => 6 [m_id] => 3 [primary] => 300 [secondary] => 200 [Duration] => 6m  ) 

but in the list, I am getting output. I haven't added amount because I am getting the wrong amount. This is not an excepted output. There is some issue in my model query.

id  |m_id | primary        | secondary    
    |     |12m  |6m        |12m   |6m 
 1  |1    |     |          |      | 
 2  |1    |     |          |      | 
 3  |2    |     |          |      | 
 4  |2    |     |          |      |
 5  |3    |     |          |      | 
 6  |3    |     |          |      |

My view code is

<table id="list" border="1">
    <th rowspan="2">id</th>
    <th rowspan="2">m_id</th>
    <th colspan="2">Primary</th>
    <th colspan="2">Secondary</th>



            $n = 1;
            foreach ($activityfeeslist as $rows)

                <td><?php echo $n++;?></td>
                <td><?php echo $rows->m_id;?></td>

                <td><?php echo $primary12;?></td>
                <td><?php echo $primary6;?></td>

                <td><?php echo $secDep12;?></td>
                <td><?php echo $secDep6;?></td>



public function activityFees()
        $data['activityfeeslist'] = $this->Fees_model->activityFessList();


public function activityFessList(){
        $getDetails = array('tbl_activityFees2.is_feesActive'=>1);
        $result = $this->db->where($getDetails)
           return $result;  
           return 0;    

Would you help me out with this issue?


Yes, there is an error in your Model query as in your View. In view you are iterating and saperating 12m and 6m, instead of doing it in your view you should use a query something like below:

$getDetails = array('tbl_activityFees2.is_feesActive'=>1);
$result = $this->db->where($getDetails)
                   ->where('Duration', '=', '12m')
                   ->select('m_id', 'primary as primary12m', 'secondary as secondary12m')
        ->join('tbl_activityFees2 as t2','t2.m_id=tbl_activityFees2.m_id')->where('Duration', '=', '6m')->select('primary as primary6m', 'secondary as secondary6m')

I have joined same table two times to get the result directly from query. Systax me be little bit wrong but I hope you got the idea.


if you are getting rows in your loop at view... than just change the view

Your activityFees controller is correct .. if you have loaded model from constructor else

public function activityFees()
        $data['activityfeeslist'] = $this->Fees_model->activityFessList();

at model you dont have to go as per standard .. so write it as and mention join also...

    public function activityFessList(){
            $getDetails = array('tbl_activityFees2.is_feesActive'=>1);
            $result = $this->db->select("*")
               return $result;  
               return 0;    

at view

your condition is creating mistake.. . instead of writing condition ... write it as ..

<?php  if($activityfeeslist)
            $n = 1;
            foreach ($activityfeeslist as $rows) { ?>
                <td><?php echo $n++;?></td>
                <td><?php echo $rows->m_id;?></td>

                <td><?php echo $rows->Duration;?></td>
                <td><?php echo $rows->primary;?></td>

                <td><?php echo $rows->Duration;?></td>
                <td><?php echo $rows->secondary;?></td>
        <?php } } ?>