
Posting photos on a facebook page album using grap

2019-08-24 02:33发布


Here's what I've done: 1) Get page access token from /me/account 2) Paste in on the graph explorer tool. 3) Make a post request with parameters named message, url (trying to upload via url) to http://graph.facebook.com/{albumid}/photos. 4) Graph returned a Id.

Went to that photo album of that page, no photo added. Now, for further investigation what I did.

5) Clicked on the photo Id and it returned info about that photo. 6) Click on the link parameter value, it opened a new tab on the browser saying the content is on available or I don't have permission. 7) Then I when to my Profile and started to use Facebook as that page. 8) Reloaded that link opened in the new tab. 9) It's showing me the image now. (And it's permission is set to mission public). 10) Went to the album again, found that no images were added. 11) But on the stream I can see the photo.

Now here's my issue is I want the photo to be added on that specific Album, and it should be visible to all.


Figured out the problem. We need to approve the photos from by going to the album as the Page.